

A “domain” refers to a unique and human-readable address on the internet that is used to identify a specific location or resource. In the context of the World Wide Web, a domain typically represents a website and is part of a larger system known as the Domain Name System (DNS). 


A domain is a unique, human-readable name assigned to a specific location or resource on the internet. It serves as an easy-to-rememberfor identifying websites, servers, or other online resources.

Think of a domain as the address for a website. When you type a domain into a web browser, it takes you to a specific place on the internet, like entering an address in a GPS to reach a particular location.

Key Points:

Parts of a Domain: A domain is typically composed of two main parts—the actual name (e.g., “example”) and the top-level domain (TLD) (e.g., “.com”). For example, “” is a complete domain.

Unique Identifiers: Each domain is unique, and no two websites can have the exact same domain. This uniqueness is crucial for avoiding conflicts and ensuring that each resource on the internet has a distinct identifier.

Domain Name System (DNS): The DNS is a hierarchical system that translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses, which are numerical identifiers used by computers to locate each other on the internet.



In this example, “www” is a subdomain, “digitalm” is the main domain name, and “.sg” is the top-level domain (TLD). Together, they form the complete domain address for a website.

In summary, a domain is a human-readable address on the internet that uniquely identifies a specific location or resource, typically a website. It is composed of a domain name and a top-level domain (TLD), and the Domain Name System (DNS) helps translate these names into numerical IP addresses for computer communication.