Top 10 Cost-Effective Marketing Strategies That Your Business Should Use

When it comes to getting your business to reach out to new potential customers, there is no doubt that it can be quite a challenge sometimes. And besides, it might end up drilling a big hole in your pocket. However, all the changes that have been going on in the world of social media and […]
How the Coronavirus Outbreak is Damaging Corona Beer Sales

While it is true that the Coronavirus is one of the most dangerous types of viruses out there today, there is absolutely no doubt that this new virus has also caused some outrageous memes to emerge on the Internet. And now, this deadly new virus known as COVID-19 might start destroying the world of business […]
Top 7 Marketing Tactics That You Can Use to Navigate the Coronavirus Outbreak

When it comes to the Coronavirus outbreak, there is no doubt that it is one of the most difficult events that the people of China have ever been through. This new virus called COVID-19 has already taken a lot of lives, and while the signs of new Coronavirus infections seem to be slowing down, there […]
5 Benefits from Employee Advocacy Program and How to Start Yours

“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” – Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup. The above lines signify the importance of Employees in an Organization. Employees are an important asset for every organization, and their potential to popularize your brand is immense. In an era where 67% of consumers no […]
Ways to Promote your Business in YouTube

When you hear the term social media, these names would usually come into your mind: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. This might surprise you however that according to statistics, Youtube is now one of the largest social media platforms with over 2 billions users each month. As of March 2019, it was recorded that users […]
Adapting Your China Marketing Efforts During the Coronavirus Outbreak

It is no secret that China has been dealing with some pretty bad things for the past few months. The people of China have come face-to-face with a new type of virus called Coronavirus. This new virus has quickly become one of the most dangerous, as well as one of the most lethal viruses that […]
Social Media Security Tips to Reduce Risks

Social media networks have become quite popular today, and they are increasingly used by almost everyone these days for informally sharing information. The primary purpose of social media is to bring together people with common interests on the same platform to share their thoughts and ideas for effective communication. Millions of photos and personal information is […]
Top 10 Marketing Ideas for Your Brand

Managing a business is not easy- and marketing for your brand can be a tough job as well. However, there are always ways you can effectively spread the name of your business brand to the people around the world with just a few tips that have mentioned for you below. Appeal through Visuals No matter […]
4 Types of Email Newsletters You Should Know in 2020

There is a reason why newsletters has outlived many marketing strategies, and still a popular tactic today. Marketers will understand the cliché of giving “value” without expecting anything in return and this is exactly how newsletters work. It provided readers and subscribers something entertaining to read during their leisure time, and give information that benefits […]
Experience Marketing: Complete 2020 Guide

What is Experience Marketing? Experience marketing, also known as “experiential marketing” deals with product promotion. Why Experience Marketing? Experience marketing revolves around creating a unique customer experience through working productively on consumer value optimization. It deals with working through the hearts of customers and making them dedicated to your own story. Your story represents your […]