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Last Minute Digital Marketing Tips for Valentine’s Day in 2020

Last Minute Digital Marketing Tips for Valentine’s Day in 2020

Digital marketing is really not a complex phenomenon. It just requires you throwing in the right punches at the right time. For example, taking advantage of Valentine’s Day by executing the right strategy can yield a whole lot. As a matter of fact, Valentine’s day is a great opportunity to take advantage of!

Valentine’s Day is a consumer holiday and allows you to creatively incorporate tactics to capture the attention of your target audience. You can even ramp up your sales to Q1.

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Need an effective marketing campaign for Valentine’s Day?

Check out our “10 Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaigns to Consider in 2020”.


Are you prepared to take advantage of the oncoming Valentine’s Day? No? Then this article is for you! We have listed a few last minute quick marketing ideas to pull off this Valentine’s Day!

1. Use Landing Pages

Themed landing pages are proven to be effective for Valentine’s Day specials. Basically, the target is to stir people to get gifts for their special ones.

You can consider grouping on a page/ in categories user groups that are relevant to your brand. For example, you can group boyfriends, girlfriends into similar groups to achieve your aim.

2. Email Valentines

Email Valentines are effective because they are capable of saving you the stress of coordinating direct mail campaigns. It involves you playing around with relevant themes and adapting them into mails.

3.Valentine’s Day Deals

Valentine’s day is all about spreading the fragrance of Love. Making good deals specially for the day will make your customers feel loved.

You can do a flash sale as a token of love and your customers will definitely be taken by surprise. You can also execute your flash sales through channels of communication already in existent between you and your customers.

However, to make things more effective, you can give unbelievable discounts within a very short time limit.

4. Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing does not cost a lot, neither does it take long to execute.

5. Social Media

Social media is an inevitable strategy. you have to engage it to your advantage with creative ideas. Getting many views for a creative video can tend you towards total success, and engage the attention of your target audience.

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Social Media can do wonders to your business! Learn how to do so with the following guides:



Make sure you infuse positive energy into these tips to generate results. Perfectly planned and crafted ideas are able to get the desired effect you wish. Do not try out several poorly planned ideas.

About Digital M

Digital MDigitalM logoori transparentbg is a digital marketing agency specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM).

We also customize social media management plan to suit your business needs. Contact us today to learn how we can help you grow your customer base.